If you want to learn more about a unit of Re-Enactors, then we invite you to browse the officers profiles beow. For more information about upcoming events or anything else, please visit the Contact Us page.
Please meet our team below.
Pete Swavely, Lieutennant Colonel
Chief of Staff (Acting), 1st Division Staff
Email: pswavely1@verizon.net
Mark Groen, Lt. Colonel
Infantry Branch Commander
Web Address: www.coe2vt.org
Email: mgroen@sbcglobal.net
Dom DalBello, Captain
Company Commander; 5th Wisconsin, Company F
Email: djd93116@yahoo.com
Mike Bogert, First Sergeant (Standing)
5th Wisconsin, Company F
Jeff Blansett (left) Lieutenant
Company Commander;
97th U.S. Colored Intantry, Actg. Engineers
Website: https://97thusct.weebly.com/
Jean "Hal" Roberts, Captain
Company Commander; 2nd U.S. Cavalry, Company I
Jerome Dawson, First Sergeant (not pictured)
2nd U.S. Cavalry, Company I
Web Address: www.2ndcavalry.org
James Reed, Captain
Company Commander; 2nd Massachusets Volunteer Cavalry, Co. A "California One-Hundred"
Email: jeangustus@verizon.net
Mike Schmeiser, First Sergeant (Not Pictured)
Dan McCluskey, Major
Company Commander; 7th Michigan, Company F
Email: mccluske@sbcglobal.net
Bruce Smith, First Sergeant (Standing)
Company F